Bride Show Dubai is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC



Page Properties

Page properties define various attributes and functions of the page.



  1. Basic
  2. Advanced
  3. Event
  4. Thumbnail
  5. Social Media
  6. Design
  7. SEO Settings
  8. Google Settings
  9. Analytics
  10. Box Configuration
  11. Cloud Services
  12. Personalization
  13. Permissions
  14. Rich Search Result Data
  15. Admin


Basic Tab


The basic tab has various fields for the page properties.

  • Title - The title of the page.
  • Tags - Tags for adding taxonomy to the page, useful for searching.
  • Hide in Navigation - Do not display the page in the site’s navigation. (This option is also available when creating new pages )
  • Page Title - Optional Page title.
  • Navigation Title - Optional Title to be displayed in the navigation.
  • Subtitle - Optional Subtitle for this page.
  • Description - Optional Page description.


Advanced Tab


  • Language - Must be set on language root pages.
  • Language Root - On all the language pages of websites, the ‘Language Root’ checkbox should always be checked.
  • Redirect - Authors can set redirection on the site’s pages by using AEM’s Redirect feature.
  • Design - Unused field for the site's design (See Design Tab).
  • Alias - Alias for the site.


Event Tab


  • Event Edition Code - Used to pull information about the associated event. Set on site root.
    • The event edition code should be updated every year.


Thumbnail Tab


  • Generate Preview - Automatically generate a thumbnail for this page.
  • Upload Image - Use an uploaded image.
  • Select Image - Choose an image from the DAM.


Social Media Tab

Social Media

  • Facebook - Enable sharing to Facebook for social share components.
  • Pinterest - Enable sharing to Pinterest for social share components.


Design Tab


  • Client Libraries - Used to set the design for the site. Set on site root.
  • Fav Icon - Set the fav icon for the page.


SEO Settings Tab

SEO Settings

SEO Page Title

This is the same value as Page ‘Title’ in Basic Tab

SEO Page Description

This is the same value as ‘Description’ in Basic Tab

Custom Meta Tags

Create custom tags using this field. For example, descriptionrobotskeywordsrevisit-aftergeneratorgooglebotmssmarttagspreventparsingno-cachegooglegoogle-site-verificationverify-v1, among other.

Field Description
Name Meta Tag Name
Content Meta Tag Content

Custom Link Tags

Open Graph Tags

This enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph.

Field Description
Property Property name such as og:titleog:typeog:imageog:url
Content Depending on the property value added, enter the title, description or full path of the image

Custom Link Tags

Custom Link Tags

Create custom link tags like the Canonical tag.

Custom Link Tags

Field Description
Rel Specify the relationship between current document and the linked document
HREF The URL of the page with original content
HREF Lang Use only when Rel value is ‘alternate’, otherwise leave this field blank


Google Settings Tab

Google Settings

  • Google Tag Manager: Account ID - Set the account ID for GTM.
  • Google Recaptcha - Set the keys for recaptcha use.


Analytics Tab


Report Suite ID

Set the report suite ID for analytics.

Adobe Launch Embed Code

Provide the generated code from Adobe Experience Platform Launch to embed the analytics, marketing, and advertising tags. For example:

Third-Party Form Details (v1)

Configure this on pages where you want the link to the 3rd-Party form will be appended with form details as UTM parameters.

Field Description
Domain Name Specify the domain name of the 3rd-Party form host. For example:
Form ID Specify the form ID.
Form Name Provide the name of your 3rd-Party form.
Form Type Add the relevant form type. For example: Visitor RegistrationDelegate Registration.

Third-Party Form Details


Box Configuration


  • Enterprise ID - Set the Box enterprise account ID.
  • Client ID - The client ID from Box developer details.
  • Client Secret - The client secret from Box developer details.
  • Public Key Id - The public key id from Box developer details.
  • Public Key File - The public key file.
  • Public Key Password - The public key password.


Cloud Services

Allows you to define properties for cloud services.

Cloud Services

Clouds Service Configurations
Configuration Description
Adobe Analytics Provides marketers with actionable, real-time web analytics intelligence about digital strategies and marketing initiatives.
Adobe Target Increase content relevance through conversion website optimization.
Cloud Proxy Configuration
Dynamic Tag Management Focus on customer experiences (Deprecated). Replaced with Adobe Experience Platform Launch.
Translation Integration Content translation.
YouTube Configure YouTube.



This tab allows you to select a brand to specify a scope for Targeting.


ContextHub Configurations
Field Description
ContextHub Path Provide the path to the ContextHub configuration
Segments Path Provide the path to the ContextHub segments
Targeting Configuration

Select a brand to specify a scope for targeting. If not specified the default will be used.



In this tab, you can:

  • Add Permission
  • Edit Closed User Group
  • View the Effective Permissions

Permissions Permissions Permissions Permissions


Rich Search Result Data

Google Search works hard to understand the content of a page. You can help us by providing explicit clues about the meaning of a page to Google by including structured data on the page. Structured data is a standardized format for providing information about a page and classifying the page content; for example, on a recipe page, what are the ingredients, the cooking time and temperature, the calories, and so on.

Google uses structured data that it finds on the web to understand the content of the page, as well as to gather information about the web and the world in general. For example, here is a JSON-LD structured data snippet that might appear on a recipe page, describing the title of the recipe, the author of the recipe, and other details:

Using the different Search Result Type, you can provide structured data using the fields provided.

Schema Markup - Video


Schema Markup - Logo


Schema Markup - Event


Schema Markup - FAQ



This tab allows you to enable custom footer and translations.


Footer Settings

Clicking the checkbox “Use Penton Footer” renders Penton specific links in the footer navigation.


Provide the event edition code of the site to enable the translation manager. This is configured on the root page of the site.

Redirect Navigation Item

We've added the option in the advanced settings of the page to redirect users to a new tab. 

The option is straight forward, simply ticket in Open in New Window, save and then publish and this will apply to the navigation item.