Bride Show Dubai is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC


Scroll Progress

The scroll progress is a visual cue that shows a user's progress through our event pages. This will appear as a bar either at the top or bottom of the screen and moves as the user scrolls down the page.

There are several benefits and values of scroll indicators:

  • User experience: A scroll indicator can improve the user experience by providing a clear indication of where the user is on the page and how much content is left to view. This can help users navigate through long pages more easily and avoid feeling lost or overwhelmed.
  • Engagement: By providing a visual cue of the progress made, a scroll indicator can encourage users to continue scrolling through a page, leading to increased engagement and time spent on the site.
  • Design: A scroll indicator can be a useful design element, adding visual interest to a page and making it look more modern and polished.

Please place this component in your language page for it to appear on all your pages.

If placed at the top and a background color has been set, it will effecitvely block a portion of the global Informa header.

Colors transparency can be set and if background is set to clear, then the above mentioned position will not be displayed.

Properties Page

Position - either top or bottom of the screen

Background Color - the default color shown on the bar when no scroll progress has been made

Forground Color - the color shown when users scroll, changes as the scroll progress until it reaches the bottom

Height - how thick the progress bar is

Radius    - how rounded the edge of the progress bar is

The video below shows an example of how this is configure and behaves: