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RSS Feed


This component allows for the configuration of RSS Feed using the XML URL path.


The RSS Feed component is demoed in the Fast Track website here.



Fetching the information via the XML URL path may sometimes take time causing delay in displaying the feed. If this happens, kindly refresh the page after a while.

RSS Feed

Configure Dialog

The configure dialog allows content authors to provide the XML URL path, set the number of feeds or columns to display, and trim the displayed details like hiding the title, image, exerpt or description, and the date.

RSS Config Dialog

Field Description
XML URL Path The URL path of the feed you wish to fetch. For example,
Number of feeds to be displayed Set the maximum number of rows you want the feed to be displayed
Number of Columns of feed Set how many columns you want the feed to be displayed
Hide title from the feeds Check this if you want to hide the title of each feed
Hide image from the feeds Check this if you want to hide the feature image of each feed
Hide excerpt/description of the feeds Check this if you want to hide the excerpt/description of each feed
Hide date from the feeds Check this if you want to hide the date of each feed

RSS Feed 'Read More' Display Text


Authors can now change the display text for the Read More CTA button/link in the RSS feed. 

Display text supports special characters.

Please view the GIF below to see how this is done.