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The Accordion component allows for the creation of a collection of components, composed as panels, and arranged in an accordion on a page, similar to the Tabs Component , but allows for expanding and collapsing of the panels.


From top to bottom: DefaultPrimarySecondary, and Horizontal.

Examples of Accordion Component


Configure Dialog

The configure dialog allows the content author to define the accordion and how it will behave and appear for a visitor to the page.

Accordion Toobar

Items Tab

Add panels to the accordion

Use the Add button to open the component selector to choose which component to add as a panel.

Accordion component selector

Once added, an entry is added to the list, which contains the following columns:

Accordion Items

Column Description
Icon The icon of the component type of the panel for easy identification in the list. Mouse over to see the full component name as a tooltip.
Description The description used as the text of the panel, defaulting to the name of the component selected for the panel.
Delete Tap or click to delete the panel from the accordion component.
Rearrange Tap or click and drag to rearrange the order of the panels.

Properties Tab

Accordion Properties

The properties tab allows you to select the default state of the accordion when viewed by the visitors.

State Description
First Open (Default) The first panel is expanded when the page is loaded.
All Closed All the panels are collapsed when the page is loaded.

Select Panel Popover

The content author can use the Select Panel option on the component toolbar to change to a different panel for editing as well as to easily rearrange the order of the panels within the accordion. Use this to edit collapsed panels.

Accordion select panel

Once selecting the Select Panel option in the component toolbar, the configured accordion panels are displayed as a drop-down.

Accordion select panel items


  • The list is ordered by the assigned arrangement of the panels and is reflected in the numbering.
  • The panels are displayed by component type.
  • Tapping or clicking an entry in the dropdown, switches the view in the editor to that panel.
  • The panels can be rearranged in-place by using the drag handles.


The accordion comes with a number of available styles that will be customized for your specific site and theme. You can use the styles selector to pick a style for your accordion.

Accordion styles

Available Styles

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Horizontal

Accordion Optional Text Enhancement

This enhancement came about after a new site designed required a line of text to highlight date and event type on top of the title of the agenda item.

This optional text enhancement was designed to work only with vertical accordions. If used in horizontal style, it will only display the space between the text and title.

The optional text, accordion title, tab background color, and text color and size can be all changed and uniquely assigned to each style by sending a ServiceNow request.


An accordion feature is a user interface design pattern often used to present a list of items that can be expanded and collapsed to reveal additional content. It is a vertically stacked list of items, where each item acts as a container that can be either expanded or collapsed to reveal or hide content. The accordion feature is commonly used in applications such as FAQ sections, content-rich websites, and mobile applications. It helps users save screen space and improve readability by allowing them to focus on the content they are interested in, while hiding the content that is not relevant.

Speaker Name

An accordion feature is a user interface design pattern often used to present a list of items that can be expanded and collapsed to reveal additional content. It is a vertically stacked list of items, where each item acts as a container that can be either expanded or collapsed to reveal or hide content. The accordion feature is commonly used in applications such as FAQ sections, content-rich websites, and mobile applications. It helps users save screen space and improve readability by allowing them to focus on the content they are interested in, while hiding the content that is not relevant.


An accordion feature is a user interface design pattern often used to present a list of items that can be expanded and collapsed to reveal additional content. It is a vertically stacked list of items, where each item acts as a container that can be either expanded or collapsed to reveal or hide content. The accordion feature is commonly used in applications such as FAQ sections, content-rich websites, and mobile applications. It helps users save screen space and improve readability by allowing them to focus on the content they are interested in, while hiding the content that is not relevant.