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Layout Container Sort

Layout Container Sort is a specialty component that allows you to sort Teaser Components in it. 

Teaser Components should have a defined Sorting Value. Sorting Value is alpha numeric. In the example below, dates were used because the Teaser Components will be sorted by their show dates. 

Sorting the Teasers Components happens in the properties of the Layout Container Sort Component > Sorter, there wil be several options. 

Some of the options were added out of the box during the development. Please use only the options Sorting Value by Ascending or Sorting Value Descending.

Layout Container Sort

MRO Australasia

May 17-18, 2023
Brisbane, Australia

Military Aviation Logistics & Maintenance Symposium

April 19-20, 2023
Atlanta, GA

MRO Americas

April 18-20, 2023
Atlanta, GA

MRO Middle East

March 1-2, 2023
Dubai, UAE

MRO Latin America

February 22-23, 2023
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Aero-Engines Americas

February 8-9, 2023
Dallas, TX

Aero-Engines Europe

September 7-8, 2022
Dublin, Ireland


Routes Europe 2022

May 18-20 2022
Bergen, Norway