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Language Copy Wizard


The Language Copy wizard is a guided experience for creating multilingual content and content structure.

A Language Copy is a copy of a site, section or a page which is translated into another language from a source site (for example, English website). We can use the machine translation feature of the wizard to translate source copy to other languages. The AEM will maintain the relationship between source and language copy.

Once a language site is created using the Language Copy method, authors can choose to make changes to the machine-translated text.

Setting up site’s languages using the Language Copy Wizard

Step 1. Create source site. For example, English.

Step 2. Select the source language node (‘English’ shown in the example below) > click Create on top-left > click ‘Language Copy’

Language Copy Wizard

Step 3. check the language node (‘English’ shown in the example below)

Language Copy Wizard

Step 4. Select Target Language(s) and choose Microsoft translator trial licenses with default configuration

Language Copy Wizard

Microsoft Translator Trial Licence

The Microsoft Translator Trial License configuration is a sample configuration that is installed with the Geometrixx Outdoors sample package. This configuration uses a Microsoft Translator account that has a free subscription that allows for 2,000,000 translated characters per month. Additional details on the Microsoft Trial License can be found here.

Step 5. Select ‘Create Translation Projects(s)’, add Title and press Create

Language Copy Wizard

Step 6. Click on the Open button or you can browser to main screen of AEM and go to projects.

Language Copy Wizard

Step 7. Go to projects and click on your project

Language Copy Wizard

Language Copy Wizard

Step 8. Start the Translation Job for individual language and click ellipsis to view status

Language Copy Wizard

Step 9. Once status is ready to review, go to the website and see the language copy

Language Copy Wizard

Step 10. Review auto translated language site

Language Copy Wizard

Step 11. Complete the translation job and start authoring content on language copy if required.

Language Copy Wizard

Retranslating language copies

AEM has Update & Translate workflows that can synchronize changes between the source and language copy. The author must be careful while retranslating content since that can overwrite any manual authored translations.

Follow below steps to retranslate language.

Step 1. Select source language and click references.

Language Copy Wizard Language Copy Wizard

Step 2. Select language copies

Language Copy Wizard

Step 3. Select language to be re-translated and click update language copies.

Language Copy Wizard

Step 4. Select ‘Create Translation Project(s)’, add Title and click Update

Language Copy Wizard

Step 5. Go to Projects and click on the created project

Language Copy Wizard

Next, repeat step 8 to 11 from the previous section of this this page.