Bride Show Dubai is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC


Search Component

The search functionality is back in V2. The search functionality is a combination of two components. The Header Search that you put in the navigation of your page and the Search component you place in a page you've created to display the results. 

Navigation section - Header Search component

GIF below shows how to author the header search component. This needs to be added in your language page and most likely by the navigation. 

You will need to set the Search Path to your language page. 

And the Search results page to the page you've created to display the results and that contains the Search component. 

The word Search inside the box can be authored to display any translation needed.

Search Result Page - Search component

GIF below shows how to author the search component component. This needs to be added in your search results page.

You will need to set the Search Path to your language page under the General Tab.

In the Pagination tab, you can set the option to set enable the pagingation i.e. show the number of pages and set the number of results listed.

The search component labels are all authorable and you can set this to any language required.

Exclude paths in the results

GIF below shows how you can exclude pages from appearing in the results.

This is done by navigating the Search v2 component properties, under the third tab Exclude path, you simply have to add the paths of pages to be hidden. i.e. forms thank you pages.

Search Demo below

Using the live components below, you can use the try out the search functionality here for both the Header Search and the Page Search results.

Secure Search Functionality Update

Restricting non-generic keywords on search functionality on V2 sites. We have streamlined the Search functionality on the Header Search and Search v2 components. With this change we could see drastic improvement on the search results as we limit the search result path to V1 and V2 specific content while also reducing CPU usage. This will increase revenue protection as we save money on CPU usage.

  • Maximum limit of characters is 15 in search components and Header search component. See below: