Bride Show Dubai is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC




The Breadcrumbs Component displays the position of the current page within the site hierarchy, allowing page visitors to navigate the page hierarchy from their current location. This is often integrated in the language page of the website and later configured whether to be displayed or not in the sub pages — please refer to Hiding the inherited breadcrumbs in the sub-pages below for more details.


From the top to bottom: Defaultcurrent page is hidden, and show the page, for example the navigation page, that is hidden from the navigation through the Page Properties.

Example breadcrumbs
Example breadcrumbs
Example breadcrumbs


Configure Dialog

The configure dialog allows the content author to define the breadcrumb and how it will behave and appear for a visitor to the page.

Breadcrumb toolbar

Properties Tab

Breadcrumb Properties

Navigation Start Level

Breadcrumb Navigation Start Level

Field Description
Navigation Start Level Where in the hierarchy the breadcrumb component should start to walk down to the current page.

If no value is provided, the navigation start displaying from the /event-name-website/ and will work down the heirarchy in increment of 1. The deeper your page is from the /informa, the higher is its value as shown on the below illustration.

Breadcrumb navigation level example

Level Description
1 This corresponds to /informa/.
2 This corresponds to /event-name-website/. For example, arabhealth, cityscapeglobal, mro-americas, etc.
3 This corresponds to _/language/.
4 This corresponds to /parent page. For example, home, about us, exhibit, visit, etc.
5 This corresponds to /sub or child page. For example, why exhibit, why visit, book a stand, contact us, etc.
6 This corresponds to /nth-level sub or child page.

So, if you use 1 as the start level, it would mean that breadcrumb navigation will start displaying from parent page.


The minimum value for the navigation start level is one (1). Hence, typing in zero (0) will result to an invalid entry.


  • It is recommended you use four (4) as the starting value in the navigation start level field.
  • The component does not include informa in the breadcrumb display. Thus, it will still show event-name-website despite using one (1) as the start level.
Show hidden navigation items
Field Description
Show hidden navigation items If checked, it will show pages marked as hidden in the Page Properties (hidden by default)

If checked, this will include in the display the hidden navigation page hid through the Page Properties from within its heirarchy to the breadcrumb navigation.

Breadcrumb show hidden navigation items example

Hide current page
Field Description
Hide current page If checked, it will suppress the current page in the breadcrumb (shown by default)

Breadcrumb show hide current page example

Navigation delimeter

You can provide any of these characters “/, >” as delimters. Alternative, you can also refer to the Font Awesome cheatsheet for additional character names that you can copy.


Not all character or character names are supported.

Breadcrumb delimeter example

Hiding the inherited breadcrumbs in the sub-pages

To prevent the sub-page or child page from inheriting the breadcrumb, click the inherited content placeholder just below the header.

Inherited breadcrumb placeholder

Tick the Disable Inheritance checkbox and click the check icon to confirm.

Inherited breadcrumb placeholder