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The Calendar component allows for the configuration and display of a calendar item on a page.

The calendar has various view modes that can be selected by the user.

  • Month View
  • Week View
  • Work Week
  • Day
  • Agenda

The calendar can be navigated with the TodayBack, and Next buttons to move between monthsweeks, and days.


Example calendar Example calendar Example calendar


Configure Dialog

The configure dialog allows the content author to define the calendar events and how they will be displayed to a visitor of the page.

Example calendar

On the properties tab you can add one or more events to your calendar.

Properties Tab

Use the Add button to add additional events. Once added, an entry is added to the list, which contains the following fields:

Calendar Properties

Field Description
Title The title of the event.
Description The description to be displayed with an event. The description will show on click or hover.
Start Date The Starting Date of the event.
End Date The Ending Date of the event.
All Day If all day is selected the start and end times are not necessary and the event will apply for the entire day.
Start Time The Starting Time *.
End Time The Ending Time *.

* Note

Start Time and End Time fields uses 24 hour format.

Calendar Properties Calendar Properties Calendar Properties Calendar Properties