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Embedded Video


The Embedded Video component allows for the configuration and display of a embedded video item on a page.

The embedded video component supports videos from the following providers:

  • Youtube
  • Vimeo
  • Brightcove


Example embedded videos Example embedded videos


Configure Dialog

The configure dialog allows the content author to define the embedded video and how it will behave and appear for a visitor to the page.

Example embedded videos configure

Properties Tab

Embedded Video Properties

Field Description
Video Type The type of video to be embedded. YoutubeVimeo, and Brightcove are the currently available options.
Auto play When selected, the video will start playing automatically on page load.
Track ID The specific video track to be embedded. Please refer to the information below on how to extract the track ID.
Video ID Brightcove only. The specific video track to be embedded. Please refer to the information below on how to extract the video ID.
Accound ID Brightcove only. The specific video ID to be embedded. Please refer to the information below on how to extract the account ID.
Video Title The title of the video to display above the component.
Video Description Description of the video to be displayed below or next to the component.

Embedded Video Properties

How to extract the YouTube track ID

You can extract the from the URL as shown below.

Embedded Video Properties

You can also extract it from the YouTube. Click the Share button and select Embed from the 3rd-Party share list. Copy the track ID shown below.

Embedded Video Properties

How to extract the Vimeo track ID

Click the ‘Share’ button in the video player.

Embedded Video Properties

Then copy the code after ‘/video/’ in the Embed field highligthed in yellow as shown below.

Embedded Video Properties

How to extract the Brightcove Video ID and Account ID

Click the ‘Share’ button in the video player.

Embedded Video Properties

Then copy the Account ID highligted in green and Video ID in yellow from the Embed Code field as shown below.

Embedded Video Properties Embedded Video Properties

Video Embed Playback Parameters

New parameters have been added to enhance the user experience and page performance of pages that uses this component.

Auto Play - will automatically play the video on page load. Video will be muted

Loop - video will automatically loop once it ends

Enable Lazy Loading - deferred loading of embed video until it becomes visible on the page.

Related Videos - when enable, this will show related videos from the same YouTube channel.

Hide Controls - player controls are not displayed.

Note: Britghtcove and Vimeo only have Auto-play, Loop, and Lazy loading

Lazy Loading on Embedded Video

Lazy loading embedded videos reduces initial load time and page weight, allowing for a quicker page load time.

Bandwidth conservation – Lazy loading conserves bandwidth by delivering content to users only if it's requested

Lazy loading feature is now available for the Embedded Video component. 

This feature is automatically ENABLED by default (As of 30/05/2023) and can be disabled as needed.