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The Text component allows for the configuration and display of a text item on a page.


Example texts

For more information on using the Rich Text WYSIWYG editor please visit the WYSIWYG Page


Configure Dialog

The configure dialog allows the content author to define the text and how it will behave and appear for a visitor to the page.

Properties Tab

Text Properties

The edit dialog offers the standard rich text formatting tools a user would expect to compose text.

For more information on using the Rich Text WYSIWYG editor please visit the WYSIWYG Page


Animate Numbers

By highlighting the number in your body of text, you can add a counter-like animation to it by selecting the Style button and ticking Number Animated. You can then change the speed in the Number Animation tab.



The text comes with a number of available styles that will be customized for your specific site and theme. You can use the styles selector to pick a style for your text.

Text Styles

Available Styles

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Light
  • Dark
  • Strikethrough *NEW!



Strikethrough is now available for Authors to use on their the V2 Text Component.  Showcase pricing updates with the Strikethrough feature found in the Styles section of the Text Component.

RTE Font Color Options


The text component and teaser component's RTE have been enhanced to allow authors to change font colors. 

See the GIF below on how to use this new feature. You can also open the image in a new tab to see it bigger. 

Note: To change link color, you should only apply the color one you've placed the link. You should only select the text without any space to apply the color.

Note: Do not hit ESC when closing the color picker tab. Be sure to click the "X" to close. Hitting ESC will cause an error message to pop up.

Text Highlight Feature

You can use a highlight feature in the Text and Teaser components.

The default colors would be dark grey and light grey. Dark grey will automatically change the font color to white after the highlight is applied while light grey will just highlight it.  The highlight and font color can be adjusted based on the brand’s needs, a ServiceNow request for this is needed to apply the changes.

Highlighted text is marked during authoring for better experience. 

Below GIF shows how to use the function.

Tel: or Tel:// for your Phone Numbers

By simply adding the tel: or tel:// in the links of your phone numbers in the text component, it makes it clickable and clicking on it will prompt the user's device to launch the phone application and automatically dial the phone number. It provides a simple and convenient way for users to contact businesses or organizations without having to manually type the phone number.


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