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Multi-language Site

On multi-language sites, by default, the language selector links to the page with the same name (URL) in each language. For example, if the user is on

the AR (Arabic) language selector will have the link

However, if the Arabic website does not have the /ar/attend/internal-page-2.html page created then the user is redirected to the parent page of that site. In this case, the parent page is If the Arabic site does not have the ar/attend.html page, the AR language selector will link to the next parent, which would be the ar language root page, in this case,

Here’s an example of such a page on the EN (English) site that is not present on the AR site:

The AR language selector in this case links to the parent of the parent page which is


  • The language page of each site should be set to redirect to the homepage of the site. Authors can set this redirect on language pages (via page properties).