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The Teaser component allows for the configuration and display of a teaser item on a page.

The teaser component is highly configurable, and allows for multiple customized displays for your site.

The teaser component is the general replacement for all CTA controls.


Example teasers

Example teasers


Configure Dialog

The configure dialog allows the content author to define the teaser and how it will behave and appear for a visitor to the page.

Image Tab

Teaser Properties

  • Image asset
    • Drop an asset from the asset browser or tap the browse option to upload from a local file system.
    • Tap or click Clear to de-select the currently selected image.
    • Tap or click Edit to mange the renditions of the asset in the asset editor.

SVG and GIF Support

The Teaser component also supports Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) and Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)

Text Tab

Teaser Properties

  • Title Defines a title to display as the headline for the teaser.
  • Get title from linked page When checked, the title will be populated with the linked page’s title.
  • Description Defines a description to display as the subheading of the teaser.
  • Get description from linked page When checked, the description will be populated with the linked page’s description.


The teaser can be configured to display a number of variants, use the variant wheel to pick your column configuration

Teaser Variants

Available Variants

  • Standard (Image First)
  • Alternate (Title First)


The teaser comes with a number of available styles that will be customized for your specific site and theme. You can use the styles selector to pick a style for your teaser.

Teaser Styles

Teaser Schemes

Teaser Link Styles

Available Styles

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • CTA Variant
  • CTA Variant 2
  • CTA Variant 3
  • Strikethrough *New

Available Schemes

  • Notice
  • Information
  • Warning

Available Link Styles

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Light
  • Dark
  • CTA Variant
  • CTA Variant 2



Strikethrough is now available for Authors to use on their the V2 Teaser Component.  Showcase pricing updates with the Strikethrough feature found in the Styles section of the Teaser Component.

Link & Actions Tab

  • Link Link applied to the teaser. Use the path browser to select the link target.
  • Enable Call-To-Actions When checked, enables definition of Call-To-Actions. The first Call-To-Action link in the list is used as the link for other teaser elements.
  • Open in a new window When checked, it allows hyperlinks to open in a new window.


Image alternative-text in Teaser Component

The option to add alternative text is now available for the image in the Teaser Component. 

The GIF below shows how this is done. The functionality and behaviour is the exact same in the Image component. 

Alternative Text is a required field in order to close the dialog box.

You can put any character in the alternative text field if the image has already an alternative text added in the DAM and get alternative text DAM is selected. This will supercede whatever is in the alternative text box.


Lazy Loading on the Teaser Component

Lazy loading the Teaser reduces initial load time and page weight, allowing for a quicker page load time. Bandwidth conservation – Lazy loading conserves bandwidth by delivering content to users only if it's requested

Lazy loading feature is now available for the teaser component, authoring it is a shown GIF below. 

This feature is ENABLED by default (As of 30/05/2023) and can be disabled as needed.